Please use the instructions below when submitting constructs to the Genome Editing Facility.
  • 100 μg of uncut plasmid DNA containing your transgene should be submitted along with a schematic map showing critical restriction sites for removal of the transgene from the vector sequence.
  • A photograph showing a sample of digested plasmid DNA with the transgene band circled.
  • A completed Pronuclear Injection Service Request form must accompany all constructs (see form below).
  • The form and DNA must be submitted directly, and only to the Biomedical Research Store 238 ERMB

Submission Form Must Include:

An Animal Care Use Review Form (ACURF) approval number for an active protocol that will not expire before the planned completion of the project.

A recombinant DNA approval explicitly providing approval for the construct being microinjected. A copy of the Recombinant DNA approval must accompany the submission form.

Note: Production of transgenic mice is covered under ACURF protocol number 1308160 "Genome Editing Core Facility Master Protocol" approved for William Paradee, Ph.D. Therefore, there is no need for investigators to provide details on the methods for production of transgenic mice in your own ACURF application, only the analyses you plan to perform with your mice.

Download Pronuclear Injection Service Request Form:

Useful Forms: